Oh, how I long to hear what He has to speak just to me!
God loves to share His heart. He's your EVERYDAY VALENTINE - with personal messages just for you.
Tonight is our 2nd Friday waiting and listening mid-night with the Lord.
For those who accepted the February Waiting & Listening challenge, check your inbox for your '2nd Friday email.'
If you are interested in being a part, it's not too late. Email us at info@janicefsanders.com - Be sure to type "February 2020 Waiting & Listening" in the subject line.
Psalm 5:3 "In the morning, O LORD, You hear my voice; at daybreak I lay my plea before You and wait in expectation."
P.S. What is the Lord sharing with you during this prophetic month?
Below is a short clip from last Sunday Training @ the Harvest Center San Antonio - 'Hearing God & Being Faithful Over What You Hear' (2/9/2020)